TMS (Transcranial magnetic stimulation) is a tool that uses the principle of converting electrical energy into high-magnetic waves to send through the skull to stimulate various brain cells to adjust brain function, making cells more connected, or modifying the function of neurotransmitters (resulting in better functioning of problem brain cells such as ischemic stroke, migraine headache, depression, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and neurological pain, etc. It is secure. Does not cause pain. Does not cause harmful side effects to the stimulant.
In each treatment and in each one is different, some need several stimulation cycles. In order to adjust the function of brain cells and should look at the Respond to each treatment cycle to make personalized decisions.
There are 2 types of brain stimulation.
1. High frequency stimulation to stimulate brain cell activity such as depression, paralysis from brain death, Parkinson's, etc.
2. Low frequency stimulation to inhibit brain cell activity, such as in migraines, muscle spasms from ischemic stroke, hand tremors, etc.